Sunday, March 22, 2009

March gone soon

March, 09

It has been too long, since I have written you, my dear brothers and sisters in the Lord. The past couple of months, God has been working on me and refining away all the pride, selfishness that I would reflect God’s glory. That is why my name in Chinese means, ‘to bring bright light.’

“And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit,” 2 Corinthians 3:18.

Praise reports:

1. I have improved much in my teaching. Thanks for your prayers!!! I still have my job.

2. My finances are better. God has been my all-sufficient provider!

3. There were some exchange students that came last fall. Two of the students accepted Christ before they left for China. Pray that they will continue in their growth, by finding a loving body of Christ and that they could be lights in China, especially to their friends and family.

Prayer points:

1. Pray that God would continue to refine me in the fire and I would be willing to go through pain and sorrow, so God can glorify himself through me.
2. Please pray for one of my co-workers, who is searching for God. Pray that he could find the true God and I could show him the truth with love.
3. Pray for the spiritual oppression in the city I live, Dashe. I feel a lone in interceding for this city and need a team of intercessors. Pray that God would bring intercessors for the city of Dashe, Taiwan. I’m hoping to start a team that will have people bridging the gap for this city every day. Please pray for this city yourself. God can break through the bonds of darkness! I need your prayers!!!
4. Pray against spiritual attacks on me. Pray that God would be my shepherd and my shield. I have been interceding for this city on my own, as it seems. Satan has been attacking me a lot because of my prayers. I have overcome because of the Holy Spirit living in me, but he is weakening me. Pray for protection against spiritual forces.
5. There are many temples in this city. Pray that God would open up the eyes of the people in Dashe and Taiwan to the lies that they believe. Pray they would see the true light that came into the world, the true God, Jesus Christ. Pray that the temples would close and go out of business, but there will be a harvest of people being saved in Dashe. Pray that from this coming harvest, there will be many churches planted in Dashe.
6. I started to learn to play drums and I also play acoustic guitar for worship. Pray that God will help me improve a lot soon.
7. There are three bible studies I help out during the week, whether leading worship or bible, or welcome. Please pray God would give me wisdom and help to lead properly.
8. An English club was started recently at a local university, close to where I live, to reach out to university students. Pray God would bring the right people and keep out the ones that don’t need to be there. Pray for those who are truly seeking after God. Pray for the harvest! Pray for wisdom on how we should lead this group.

Other stuff:

Weather: It's hot and humid now. This weekend, it reached above 30 degrees Celsius. At night, there is no airflow, so the humidity stays.

peculiar smells: There's a garbage smell because of the pollution. There is a transportable moving restaurant that sells stinky doufu. It arrives in the evening right by my apartment building and it's a horrible smell.

People like: people are very indirect in their speaking. I call it 'hitting around the bush.' I don't talk to my boss directly. I talk to my manager, who then talks to my boss.

Most difficult adjustment: Living independently away from the support of my family and the language barrier.

I’ll shut up and show you some of my pictures.

Check out Flickr for my recent pictures.