Wednesday, October 29, 2008

After over a month here

Me in Downtown Kaohsiung.

My roomemate put it best. It feels like we have been here for a very short time, but it also feels like we have been here a long time. It is hard to believe how much stuff was done in the past couple of weeks. Within a couple of weeks, God has provided abundantly. Over the past couple of months, the Lord has tested my faith much, but I have joyously been able to see the Lord's hand through this time. Now that I have been able to see clearly the Lord's had through all this, I am able to trust Him much more and leave it up to him.

The other day, I did not know how we were going to pay our rent. My roomemate encouraged me to trust to the Lord as we have seen how much the Lord has already provided for us. I worried much, but soon I gave it over to the Lord. The next day, the Lord provided for us abundantly: Josh and myself. It made me think about the Israelites in the desert and how the Lord provided for them with the bread and water. He also provided shelter from the burning sun and guided them through the night. I forgot that, just like the Israelites did. Please pray for me that I would know the Lord as my provided and my guide and I would trust Him.

The Lord gave me answer to my prayer this morning and told me through Matthew 6:25 saying not to worry about your life. Truly, one day is enough to worry or think about. I take the Lord at His Word.

Work is getting much better. I am starting to get used to it and having some fun too! I enjoyed myself a little today at work. It is hard work, but I have always enjoyed my major. It only is my major. I should.

In a couple of weeks, I hope to get my ARC (my workers Visa). I need this to stay in the country, to get my phone, internet, buy a scooter, health insurance. Pray that I would get this soon.

I have enjoyed a lot of hiking in the mountains. I have went twice with different people and I enjoy it. I am glad I don't live in the Downtown Kaohsiung and not have much hiking. There is a lot of hiking.

The only problem is: how to get there. I don't think I will be able to get a scooter for two month. I'm trusting the Lord and we will see how the Lord will provide. A scooter is not necessary at this time.

Just trying to take it one day at a time. It seems like I started at a rate of sprinting when I started. I started fast and have been going still. It is hard, yet I will continue going.

I also may begin starting my Chinese lessons soon.

There are a lot of things I hope to do, but because of my ARC and trying to figure out till my pay, I continue to try to do the best I can for the time that's left.

Got to go,


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